I think it was December of 2010 when I saw my last movie at the theater. It was True Grit with Jeff (boyfriend), Greg (brother) and Shayna (sister-in-law). Granted, I've watched movies since then but all have been in the comfort of a familiar couch, sans previews, and with an easy pause and rewind button close by. It's not that I don't enjoy going to the theater or seeing movies, but when I compare the time spent to what I could be doing otherwise (beers on a scenic rooftop bar, shuffleboard with friends, baseball games, etc), I usually choose other activities. That's why I hope you can appreciate the planning it took to cross this one off my list.
First, a big attaboy to Jeff for putting the thought into making this one special and checking into potential venues back in February. Last Saturday I redeemed my tickets from Valentine's Day for #19 and a double-feature showing on screen #1 at the I-70 Drive-In near Kansas City.
#19. Watch a movie at a drive-in theater - check!
So, what did we see? We ended up settling on Rise of the Planet of the Apes and 30 Minutes or Less. Not our ideal combo of movies, but what we deemed to be the best option available. Some quick prep at Wal-Mart to grab snacks (Puffcorn, Pretzel M&M's, and Gummy Bears) and a small cooler from home filled with Bud Select and vodka mixers and we were set for food and beverage. And with some quick collaboration to turn the back of my Sportage into a make-shift recliner, we were ready to go.
This is the part where I admit that I may have fallen asleep toward the end of not one, but both movies. (For those that know me, you're probably not surprised. I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere.) I could try to defend myself and say that it was the result of the beers we enjoyed that afternoon, but I'd be hard-pressed to blame it entirely on that. Luckily Jeff was awake and able to catch me up on what I missed.
As for the experience overall? Awesome weather. Great view. BYO-Snacks & Beverages. Comparable ticket price to a regular movie ($8 ea). And relatively comfortable seating (something I would control better next time). Not something I'd do all the time, but something I definitely enjoyed and would love to do again. Next time maybe I'll actually stay awake the entire time. :-)

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