One step closer to nixing nail biting! I recently acquired an anti-bite nail polish from an awesome supporter of my 30 before 30 quest. I put it on earlier today and tested it for impact....Yowzers, is it bitter! If this doesn't get me to stop biting my nails then I'm not sure what will. The taste literally lingers for minutes, not seconds. And I have a slight tingling in my eye which suggests that I might have touched my fingernail to it while enjoying The Grammy's tonight. This is potent stuff! (Which is surprising because just smelling it you wouldn't expect such a tongue-wrenching effect.) My hope is that this nail polish will make me aware of when I tend to bite my nails...and cuticles, for that matter. Once I become aware of my bad habit, then hopefully I can train myself to focus my nervous energy elsewhere. The trick for me will be to make sure that I don't simply replace it with another bad habit (like picking at my nails) instead. Wish me luck and stay tuned for progress reports.
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